Aspirational Storytelling

Aspirations rally people around ideals and inspire action, and Aspirational Storytelling is the creative way to engage with an audience to inspire them to take the action. For nonprofits, this action can be donating, volunteering, or even becoming an ambassador for your mission.
But how do you tell aspirational stories to inspire action in your community? Here’s some quick tips:
- Tell your stories in a way that shows your values in action, or have fellow members of your community tell the story for you (hint: community-generated content!)
- Show the impact that someone can make by taking action
- Construct a narrative following the traditional story arch with a protagonist – someone in your audience – meeting a meaningful goal
- Tell the story in a problem/solution narrative arch. How do you solve a problem in your community?
You can take these tips even further with free resources like webinars, storytelling resources, or even partnerships to learn more about this process and begin the journey for your nonprofit.
Want to learn from a world-class aspirational storyteller? Check out some of our MemoryFox Partners:
1. Catherine Ashton, Giant Squid Group
- Catherine is CEO of Giant Squid Group, a social impact consulting agency that works with start-up and small nonprofits to help them build their fundraising and leadership capacity.
- Learn more about Catherine and Giant Squid Group here.
2. Rhea Wong, Rhea Wong Consulting
- As the Founder of Rhea Wong Consulting, Rhea trains nonprofit leaders to fundraise more money from high-net worthy donors.
- Learn more about Rhea and Rhea Wong Consulting here.