Narratives With Integrity: Strategies for Anonymous Storytelling

This event took place on Wednesday, February 5th, 2025. Watch the recording now!

About the event:

“What do I do if the people I serve absolutely must remain anonymous?”

“How do you get around using visuals (video/photo) but not being able to show faces of the people we serve?”

“When we change a story to protect anonymity, do we still need to get consent from the person?”

“I know writing composite stories is a strategy to ensure privacy, but are there ethical concerns for sharing stories that are not “true”?”

We recognize that there are many missions that cannot share traditional video & photo stories of the individuals they work with – for many reasons, including comfort & safety. So, what are their options for nonprofit storytelling? It’s time to discuss anonymous storytelling strategies, examples & advice at our sixth installment of our Narratives With Integrity series.

This MemoryFox Special Event will take place on February 5th at 3 pm ET / 12 pm PT, and led by MemoryFox’s Chris Miano, to discuss strategies to overcome tough questions like these with our knowledgeable panelists:

Our guests have a plethora of varied experiences about these challenging topics, and they are ready to share their strategies and insights with you.

Your questions will lead the way! The ONLY questions we will ask during the session are directly from YOU. Please submit your questions regarding how to ethically collect, organize and share anonymous stories, so we can ask our expert panelists live, and get the answers you are craving.