memoryfox saves time why invest in storytelling nonprofit storytelling

Saves Time

Storytelling requires a time investment. But, when you prioritize elevating community stories & collecting content all year long with MemoryFox, you will save your precious time!

With MemoryFox, orgs reported saving 10.5 hours per week. That’s precious time you can spend on important things like:

  • Grant prospecting & writing
  • Donor stewardship
  • Strategic planning
  • Board meeting prep
memoryfox saves money why invest in storytelling nonprofit storytelling

Saves Money

The cost of a Storytelling Consultant is almost 1400% greater than a MemoryFox Membership. And that does not even include the hidden fees that consultants may recommend. 

Similarly, you might be considering adding an additional staff member. But, their storytelling success is largely based on their storytelling experience. Additionally, you need to account for the additional costs of acquisition, training and additional software you’ll need.

memoryfox steps how it works ethical storytelling features

is Ethical

MemoryFox is the #1 ethical storytelling technology tool for nonprofits. Here are just a few of the features that ensure the most ethical experience for our storytellers:

  • Accessibility: Opportunity to share story where & when you are comfortable, from the comfort for your own device.
  • Unique Campaign Description: Understand how your story will be used, prior to submission.
  • Consent: Built-in, editable consent form & consent removal option.
  • Privacy: MemoryFox never owns your content.
  • Customizable Calls-to-Action: Craft prompts using your community’s preferred strength-based language.

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