Have a question about MemoryFox?
Have a question about MemoryFox?
We are here to help!
Frequently Asked Questions
Below, you’ll find answers to questions about MemoryFox that you might be wondering yourself.
What are the storage/data limits?
Every MemoryFox subscription comes with unlimited storage and data. You can also easily migrate any existing videos or images to your content library in MemoryFox.
Can I have multiple collection campaigns running at once?
Absolutely. MemoryFox is designed to let you have multiple as many campaigns happening at you'd like. Every subscription includes unlimited concurrent campaigns.
What happens to all of my content if I leave MemoryFox?
We hope you don't leave! But you own all content that is collected using MemoryFox so you'll be able to download everything before you go.
How is all my content organized as it all starts flowing in?
It's all tagged and organized at the point of capture and populates in your Story Bank. Your most recently collected content populates at the top, but can be sorted in several ways, including: campaign, call to action, user, custom tag, date range.
What if a storyteller wants to remove their consent from a submission?
At MemoryFox, we believe that consent is not in perpetuity. Storytellers should have the ability to remove their consent at anytime, with no questions asked. If a storyteller has submitted a video, photo or written testimonials through a MemoryFox campaign, and wishes to remove consent, please click here. The MemoryFox team will contact the organization and take the necessary steps to remove the consent.