Guest Author Guidelines & Standards

MemoryFox is delighted to accept article submissions from thought-leaders and change makers in the nonprofit sector! Articles should focus on best practices, case studies or other information that would be viewed as educational to nonprofit marketers, fundraisers and communications professionals. Overtly promotional content is not welcomed.

A typical article includes:

  • 800-1000 words
  • Article title is 60 characters or less
  • Bulleted lists or numbered sections with easily digestible points
  • Links are allowed, as long as the accompanying anchor text is relevant and organic to the article at large
  • Photos, graphics or videos are encouraged!

Posts should be completely original and not previously published elsewhere. However, repurposing content to/from slide decks, books, etc. is no problem. That’s your expertise, and we appreciate that! Here are the guidelines & standards we commit ourselves to, and would appreciate from you.


Together We Will: Agree on a topic & publication date.

  • Articles should be written for a target audience of nonprofit professionals that work in fundraising, marketing, communications & community-building.
  • While the topic of the article does NOT need specifically be about nonprofit storytelling, please include a reference to storytelling for easy backlinking on our end.

What We Ask of You:

  • Please submit your article 1 week prior to the mutually agreed upon publication date. We prefer articles to be submitted as a shared Google Doc, or as an attachment. Don’t forget to include any images, graphics, and embedded videos along with clear indication of desired location within the article.
  • Submit a headshot, title, and short bio (3-4 sentences) that will be displayed in your author block at the bottom of the article. You may include one link in your author block. 

What We Do:

  • Add 1-2 backlinks to our website. Do not worry about adding them yourself – we are happy to do it!
  • We reserve the right to modify your article content or title to better serve our readers, but we will inform you of any changes made.
    • When we have modified guest content, the changes will be geared towards the format/layout, and not the content itself!

Publication & Promotion

What We Do:

  • Publish the article. Typically, Mondays at 5 am.
  • Send you personalized graphics. Including,
    • Article featured image, Horizontal Rectangle (also can be used for LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook)
    • Instagram Square (also can be used for LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook)
    • NOTE: If you would like the link to the Canva design so you can make your own size images, just let us know!
  • Post to our Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts.
  • Highlight the article in the next MemoryFox e-newsletter, sent monthly.

What We Ask of You:

  • Share the article link, use the provided graphics, or repost the MemoryFox posts, on the social channels where your audience is active, within 48 hours of publication. 
  • Tag MemoryFox when you post. 
  • After the initial post, you are welcome to share the article link as often as you’d like!
  • Optional: Republishing content on your own blog or platform is fine provided you mention that “this post originally appeared on MemoryFox on XXX date.”

Example graphics that will be shared with you prior to publication: