Success Stories

Outstanding Public Health Awareness with MemoryFox

With a vision of equity for all, the Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle (ULMS) empowers those they serve by providing programming and services to support their five areas of focus: advocacy & civic engagement, education, housing, public health and workforce development. In 2020, the team did not flinch as they faced the deadly giant of COVID-19.

Through their public health focus, ULMS began looking for ways to combat COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. They knew if they could connect trusted doctors with their communities through conversation, they could save lives. That's where MemoryFox came in.

Videos Collected


Questions submitted by kids

Lives Changed


Vaccinations at 30 local pop-up clinics

Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle MemoryFox

How'd They Do It? The Collect, Organize & Share Method

The Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle (ULMS) made a plan to create "Community Conversations: BIG Questions Edition" - an educational video to share with the communities they serve. This involved collecting videos, through MemoryFox, of children asking BIG questions about COVID-19. Then, they presented the questions to local doctors, who met the questions with knowledge and understanding. They produced a YouTube video and shared it far and wide!

Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle MemoryFox

1. Collect Questions from Kids

ULMS sought to bring their community directly to healthcare professionals - But how do you bring people together during a global pandemic? They created a MemoryFox campaign and asked kids (with consent from their parents) to film the questions MOST important to them regarding the COVID-19 virus & vaccine. Their voices may be small, but they were BIG questions.

urban league seattle memoryfox

2. Organize Videos & Connect with Local Doctors

Using MemoryFox organization tools, ULMS could easily sort their submissions by campaign. They determined which videos would be most impactful, and presented them to the local, trusted doctors. These doctors were then filmed answering the posed questions with expertise and compassion. The video was posted on YouTube - where it will continue to be an asset to kids and adults, alike!

Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle MemoryFox

3. Share Knowledge & Resources

Along with the YouTube video, ULMS created and distributed custom physical and digital vaccine education materials, provided vaccination appointment opportunities and aftercare supplies, and connected with local community partners to provide healthcare services and resources. These public health efforts resulted in 1,000+ vaccinations at 30 local pop-up clinics.

"Thank you, MemoryFox! We are always looking for fun ways to perform our mission through storytelling. Not only was it easy to collect the video questions from the kids, they loved it so much that they wanted all their friends to get involved! We can't wait to keep creating storytelling solutions."

Zyna Bakari

Director of Health Equity