Collecting Stories: 5 Places to Share A MemoryFox Campaign

Stories are remembered up to 22 times more than facts alone, according to the Stanford Graduate School of Business. And in today’s world where people are bombarded with brands at every turn, the once simple act of being remembered is now a crucial component of effective marketing. For nonprofits, standing out in the crowded brand space is even more challenging due to budget constraints on top of staff members wearing “a lot of hats”. 

But there is good news: Nonprofit organizations have a plethora of authentic, boots-on-the-ground stories at their fingertips. And as long as they have a tool, like MemoryFox, to collect stories directly from their community, they can rest assured that their brand will be remembered.

In order to share great videos, photos and written testimonials, you need to ask your community to submit them to your Story Bank! Ensuring that your campaign reaches your audience of program beneficiaries, volunteers, donors and partners is the key to success. In this article, we’ll explore five effective ways you can share your MemoryFox campaign, with compelling examples from great nonprofits like you!

5 Places To Share Your MemoryFox Campaign

  1. Email: Your email list is a direct line of communication to your community members, making it an ideal channel for nonprofits to share a MemoryFox campaign. Email communications allow you to tailor your message, incorporate your branding, create a sense of urgency, and provide clear instructions on how to participate, ensuring high engagement from your audience. Consider including a button that links directly to your MemoryFox campaign, to make your message absolutely clear to your subscribers. 

    Check out this email example from Wreaths Across America, where they asked their newsletter subscribers to share their photos from Wreaths Across America Day:
Collecting Stories: 5 Places to Share A MemoryFox Campaign wreaths across america

: If your community is new to using our tool, consider attaching this “How to Submit a Story to MemoryFox” video so they have access to a simple 2 minute tutorial. 

  1. Social Media Channels: With the world-wide nature of social media platforms, our campaign has the ability to reach beyond your expected audience. By sharing your MemoryFox campaign on various social media channels, you can leverage the power of visual content, hashtags, and community sharing to increase visibility and encourage a broader participation base.

    Check out this example from Child Development Centers, Inc., who shared their campaign on Facebook to collect stories from families who have benefited from their services: 
Collecting Stories: 5 Places to Share A MemoryFox Campaign child development centers

  1. Website: Your nonprofit’s website serves as a central hub for information and engagement. Featuring your MemoryFox campaign prominently on your site ensures that visitors are immediately aware of the opportunity to share their stories, providing easy access and encouraging deeper involvement with your organization’s mission.

    Check out this example from Iowa Heartland Habitat for Humanity, who used a prominent “Start Sharing Here” button to encourage story sharing for their “Women Build” events: 
Collecting Stories: 5 Places to Share A MemoryFox Campaign iowa heartland habitat for humanity

  1. Flyers: Flyers are a tangible and effective way to spread the word about your MemoryFox campaign at community events and in-person gatherings. Strategically placing flyers on the wall in high-traffic, picturesque areas, is an easy way to grab the attention of event attendees. Make sure your flyer has clear wording and big QR code in order to make it as easy as possible for your audience to understand what you are asking for and how they can help.

    Check out this example from Goodwill Industries of the Chesapeake, Inc., when they were looking to collect testimonials from their Workforce Development Programs:
Collecting Stories: 5 Places to Share A MemoryFox Campaign goodwill

  1. Direct Mail: For many nonprofits, sending mail remains a hugely popular way to connect with your audience – especially if members of your community may not be as active online. Sending a letter or postcard with a QR code that links to your MemoryFox campaign is a great way to deliver a detailed and heartfelt appeal directly to their homes.

    (If you are a MemoryFox Storyteller and you have a Direct Mail example that you’re comfortable sharing with us, please let us know!)

Sharing your MemoryFox campaign effectively is crucial for gathering the stories that need to convey your mission and message to new audiences and potential funders. By leveraging email, social media, your website, flyers, and direct mail, you can reach every member of your community and encourage them to contribute their unique experiences. With a thoughtful approach to sharing, your MemoryFox campaign can become a vibrant collection of stories that celebrate and preserve your nonprofit’s impact